I enjoy applying explicit combinatorial methods to number theoretic problems. I have worked on projects relating to finite geometry, arithmetic statistics, arithmetic geometry, and computer network design. My projects often involve coding in Sage, Magma, or Mathematica.  Common themes in my research include counting rational points on varieties and studying the behavior of functions of the form f(p) as the prime p varies.

See my CV for previous talks/conferences.

Upcoming Talks/Visits:

If the author order is based on significance of contribution, the paper is marked with a *. Otherwise, the author order is alphabetical.

Published Math Papers:

Published Interdisciplinary Papers:

† The first three authors contributed equally

Submitted Papers:


Current Projects

Other Research Experiences:

I worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) during the summer of 2019 via funding by the NSF Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship (MSGI).

I am currently a Guest Scientist at LANL and a Visiting Researcher at Laboratory for Physical Sciences.